Research We Fund

Research We Fund

Your support makes it possible for ALS United Connecticut to fund vital research every year in locations around the world. We invest in projects at every stage of the research process, from basic studies to clinical trials, leading to several promising treatments now being tested in clinical trials.

ALS Research Innovation Program

ALS United Connecticut is proud to be part of an unprecedented collaboration with nine other ALS organizations through ALS United and the ALS Network. All are members of ALS United, a community of independent ALS nonprofits dedicated to providing local care services, advancing research initiatives, and advocating for policies that benefit people living with ALS.

The partnership, focused on maximizing impact through a centralized research program facilitated by the ALS Network, reduces infrastructure costs, eliminates duplication, and increases direct funding to fuel innovative, promising science.

The ALS Network’s Research Innovation Initiative, fueled by hundreds of thousands in support from these partner organizations, seeks to yield significant results in a disease category historically void of positive outcomes. The ALS Network’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), composed of world-renowned researchers, scientists, and healthcare industry leaders, reviews and selects the most promising projects and moonshot efforts for funding.

Four significant research grants were approved for funding in 2024, and starting in 2025, investors can anticipate a public-facing request for proposals process that will significantly expand the portfolio of funded projects. In addition, year two will mark the launch of a community research committee that will participate in the project review process and ensure that funded projects reflect the interests and concerns of people with ALS.

Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) ALS Initiative

ALS United, along with its dedicated members, has taken a significant step in the battle against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) by collectively supporting the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) ALS initiative.

This groundbreaking project aims to expedite the development of effective treatments for ALS, providing hope and progress for those affected by this relentless disease.

Managed by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), AMP ALS brings together the resources and expertise of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration, Critical Path Institute, and other stakeholders from academia, life science companies, foundations, and patient-focused groups.

You Are Part of the Solution!

Your gift will help ALS United Connecticut support research to find treatments and a cure for ALS.